, “nginx, python, uwsgi”)

Running multiple python apps with nginx and uwsgi in emperor mode

This blog is moving

From now on, I won’t be posting here anymore* and wil instead be using my shiny new blog over

It has been 2 years since I started using wordpress(.com) (after having used blogger and b2evo before), and while it’s a nice and quick-to-bootstrap solution, I’ve started to grow annoyed with it for the following reasons:

  • I have spent years waiting for to include a clean, a really clean, theme, wide enough so it doesn’t butcher code snippets (this is a technical blog after all), but nope, no luck. I also found the paying themes were a bit too expensive.
  • Too restrictive: you had to play by their rules, which was understandable, they just can’t let anybody include anything in their pages (javascript stuff for example). Some other restrictions aren’t as fair though: no custom css for instance, but they had to monetize their product. Hey, it was free, so I’m not complaining, just stating the fact.
  • Ads. I only noticed them recently when I had to check something quick in my blog using IE. Yup, it only took me 2 years to figure that out, thank you adblock ! I have no problem with “classy” and contextual ads, but the one I’ve seen the other day was plain awful. Again, it was a free service, so …
  • They had many performance issues, especially on the backend-side

Again, I’m not complaining: I’m more than grateful for the for what they offered me and millions of other blogger, a nice free hosting package, but it’s time for me to move to greener (I hop) pastures.

Enter my new blog:, built on Jekyll and served with nginx from an EC2 micro-instance. I’m rather happy with my new setup, especially the markdown format (instead of html), and the freedom it gives me. Also, it’s backed by a Github repo: a push and a couple seconds later (which will eventually become minutes, Jekyll is not a speed beast) the changes are reflected on the site. I’ll eventually blog in more detail on my setup.

* Actually, I’ll continue, for some time at least, to post links in here to the new posts.

Non, Dzone n’est pas censuré ici en Tunisie

Pour l’amour de notre patrie: posez les questions avant de tirer !

New page: My projects

I just wanted to mention that I’ve added a “My projects” page where I list some opensource projects that I created and shared in Github.

It’s not much I must admit, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to fix that with time and by being less lazy.

I would be glad and grateful for any feedback on these projects, or even better: forks and pull requests.

Nouvelle page “I Wrote” qui référence quelques articles sur ce blog

Je viens de finir de porter 4 de mes 5 articles publiés sur sur WordPress. Le processus n’était pas très amusant, je peux vous assurer xD

Pour les plus curieux d’entre vous, je décrirais dans le pragraphe suivant comment j’ai procédé, les autres, vous pouvez sauter cette étape sans problème 😀

Ceci assume que vous avez déjà un PC avec un (vrai) OS installé la dessus (Ubuntu 9.10 dans mon cas, malheureusement), un bon navigteur web (Chrome ici, quoi que, à cause de quelques bugs stupides dans l’affichage du backend de WP sur chrome, je suis obligé d’utiliser Firefox pour rédiger ce post) une (vraie) JVM (celle de Sun dans mon cas ) et Eclipse (3.5.1 dans mon cas).
Voici donc comment procéder si vous être dans la situation très improbable qu’est la mienne :

Read more of this post

10/GUI’s vision for human/computer interaction

This video examines the benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces, the problems facing other potential solutions, and visualizes my proposal for a completely new way of interacting with desktop computers.

Have you mooed today ?

Type this in the console (bash) :
apt-get moo

Which outputs :

  / |    ||   
 *  /\---/\ 
    ~~   ~~   
...."Have you mooed today?"...


I’ve found this easter egg among others here : Hidden Easter Eggs In Ubuntu

Developpez sur twitter

Pour ceux d’entre vous qui utilisent twitter (quoi ? pas vous ? :))), sachez que s’y met.

Le principe est simple : il s’agit de relayer les news et débats annoncés sur l’index général sur twitter.

Il vous suffit de suivre @Developpez sur twitter pour être notifié en temps réel et rester à jour sur les dernières news du monde informatique. Un peu comme la syndication RSS/Atom.

=> Suivez @Developpez

Microsoft arms half-wit developers with PHP handgun

J’adore son style d’écriture :))

This is an interesting affront to Google, who so far is only supporting programming languages for grown ups on App Engine. Much like an Englishman debating an American, Google is trying to keep the level of discourse high and sophisticated. Our American Microsoft, on the other hand, has just sucker-punched the Englishman in the mouth and yelled “YEAH WHERE’S YOUR VOCABULARY NOW?”
